Central Golden Retriever Club Inc
 New Zealand

New Zealand



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  Champ Show results June 2023

  Champ Show Results 23rd April 2023

  Champ Show results 5th Feb 2022

  Champ Show 25th June 2021

 Critque Show 1 24/8/19 Mrs Doreen McGugan

 In Show Photos Show 1. 24/8/2019

 Results Show 2 24/08/2019

 In Show Photos Show 2 24/8/2019


CRITIQUE – CGRC INC CHAMP AM SHOW Saturday 24 August 2019 - Mrs Doreen McGugan “Invergoil” UK


Thank you to the Committee for inviting me to judge your beautiful dogs in your lovely country.  I was impressed by the quality of your dogs and the front angulation on the majority of your dogs. Lessons could be learned on trimming, especially on your dogs’ fronts. Thank you for the beautiful gift I received. All dogs were presented in lovely clean condition. All bites were correct.




Class 1 - Baby Puppy Dog                                                                                                                                                                                     

Three lovely puppies in this ring all at different stages of their development


1  Glentreve Gunners Choice at Triple J  Margaret Fortune and Glenys Fletcher                BEST BABY PUPPY IN SHOW

             The first puppy was beautifully angulated, lovely level top line for this age. Nice tight feet and lovely head. Moved well.


2  Mistymoor Max A Million  Jan Cook

             Second puppy is a real little baby, but everything is there in the right place. A lovely puppy with, Nice head and lovely tight feet happy puppy.


3  Salhouse Heart of Gold  Angela Milsted

             Third puppy was very difficult to assess as he’s at the stage where he’s just full of fun, but a nice puppy who will settle as he gets older.


Class 2 – Minor Puppy Dog                                                                                                                                                                                 

1  Piperdale Too Kool for Skool at Mistymoor  Jan Cook                                                            BEST MINOR PUPPY IN SHOW

             This puppy stood alone, a beautiful minor puppy with excellent angulation. Lovely head. A wee bit apprehensive, but that will be overcome with time. Nice level top line even for this age. Good tight feet.

           A lovely puppy who just needs time


Class 3 – Puppy Dog

1  Aubrook That’s Entertainment  Sarah Abrey                                                                                              BEST PUPPY IN SHOW

             Two puppies in this class. The first puppy a lovely puppy with excellent front angulation, good length of leg. Level top line. Nice head with dark eye. Nice tight feet. A really nice puppy.


2  Gofetch Quantum Leap  Deborah Tonkin

             The second puppy will just take a wee bit more time; he’s a wee bit unsure of himself in the ring, wants to play and see everything that’s going on around him. A lovely head. Nice length of leg. Good level top line. Excellent bend of stifle. Nice tight feet. Another nice puppy.


Class 5 Junior Dog

1  Kavandale Chance To Step Up  Kathryn van den Berg

             Beautiful boy. Pale coated. Excellent front angulation. Lovely head. Nice dark eye. Plenty of heart room. Level top line. Short in hock. Stood straight. Moved very well. I really liked this dog a lot. Beautiful dog.


2  Seacove Nautilus  Jan Bedford

             Another young man who stood very well. Was very sympathetically handled as he’s a bit of a handful. Beautiful head with lovely dark eye. Nice tight feet. Excellent rear quarters


3  Speyside Steals The Thunder  Aaron Stevens

             This dog is quite a handful, but the young girl who handled him did so sympathetically. He just needs time to settle, but a bit more practice and he will turn out well. He has a lovely head. Good front angulation Nice tight feet. Good level top line. Nice dog.


Class 6 – Intermediate Dog


1  Mistymoor Kingsman  Jan Cook

             A mid-gold dog of excellent type. A lovely head with dark eye. Excellent angulation. Nice tight feet and good length of leg. Good lay back of shoulder to nice level top line with excellent width of thigh, well let down hocks. Moved well with drive


2  Glentreve Game-Set-and-Match  Sue Colvin

             It was a very close decision between 1 and 2. This is another lovely dog. beautiful head and dark eye Front angulation not quite as good as 1 but still adequate. Good level top line. Good second thigh. Good length of leg. Held his tail proud; that’s just his age, that will settle as he gets older.


3  Seacove Christmas Bonus at Speyside  Pat Munro and Carl Robinson

             A short-coupled dog. A little bit shorter on neck, beautiful head with lovely expression Good length of upper arm. Nice tight feet. Perhaps a little bit of trimming would enhance.  A nice dog.


Class 7 - Limit Dog


1  Mistymoor Fly Me To The Moon  Jan Cook

             Another lovely dog from this handler. Again, excellent front angulation. Good lay back of shoulder into front angulation. Lovely head with soft expression Nice tight feet. Good length of leg. Level top line. Good rear quarters. Nice short hocks. Moved with drive and confidence. A lovely dog.


Class 8 – NZ Bred Dog


1  CH Arctique Let The Thunda Roll  Liz Steed                           BEST DOG / BEST IN SHOW / BEST NZ BRED IN SHOW

             Lovely square shaped golden. Very, balanced. Beautiful head. Excellent front angulation. Nice tight feet. A little bit more trimming under the chest would show off this front angulation because it really is very good. Level top line. Good length of neck. Good length of leg to proportions of body. Nice tight feet. Level tail carriage. Moved with drive and ease. Lovely dog.


2  Mistymoor Take It To The Limit  Jan Cook

             Another lovely dog. Short coupled Very balanced, Good length of leg to body. Lovely head. Again, good front angulation. Nice tight feet. Level top line. Moved a little bit close at the back, but he is a very nice dog.


3  CH Speyside Starry Knight  Meredith Pitcher

             This dog is seven-year-old, and he can still move for his age. A lovely dog. Short coupled. Lovely head. Good length of leg to body. Adequate angulation in front. Level top line. Good width of thigh Moved well


4    Speyside Fun In The Sun   Ruth and Alan Humphries

             Another lovely dog. Beautiful head. Lovely dark pigment. Very balanced dog. Good length of leg

         The angulation at front is very good. A bit longer in hock this time, but a lovely dog.


Class 9 Stud Dog


1  CH Arctique The Rain Maker  Liz Steed                                                      RESERVE BEST DOG / BEST STUD DOG IN SHOW

             This is a lovely dog. Very balanced. Shown in excellent condition. Moved with drive and tail wagging. Lovely dog. Soft expression Good dark pigmentation and Lovely dark eyes. Excellent front Nice tight feet. Good length of leg. Excellent front angulation Short coupled. Straight top line. Moved with tail straight out, wagging. A very nice dog.


2  CH Speyside Casino Royale  Pat Munro

             Another nice dog. Short coupled dog. Beautiful head. Again, excellent front angulation. Nice tight feet. Good length of leg Level top line. Good breadth of thigh. Nice tight feet. Moved a little bit closer than first, but a very nice dog.

3  Kavandale Royal Kazaar  Carolyn Stevens and Kathryn van den Berg

This is a nice dog too when settled. A wee bit shorter in the neck but, again, with better trimming I think this could be shown to advantage. Again, excellent front angulation. Nice tight feet. Good length of leg. Level top line. Moved well.


4  CH Ralun Great Expectations   Marianne Penney

             This dog is not too happy going over him, but when settled was a lot better. A lovely head. Beautiful, nice, short-coupled dog. Correct front angulation. Good length of leg. Good tight feet. Level top line. Tail wagging.


Class 10 Veteran Dog

             A lovely veteran class and a credit to their breeders and owners.


1  CH Speyside Bon Chance  Angela Milsted                                                                                               BEST VETERAN IN SHOW

             Number 1 was the oldest in the class. He moved out with drive, tail never stopped wagging and stood four square. Lovely head with very intelligent look. Good lay back of shoulder into good length of upper arm. Nice tight feet. Level top line into good.  A beautiful dog and a credit to the owner.


2  CH Goldriver Let Me Entertain U  Sarah Abrey

             Another lovely dog. A very short coupled dog with excellent angulation Nice tight feet. Moved very well. Belies his age, although at seven-and-a-half they’re not really that old. Good width of thigh. Well let down hocks. Tail never stopped wagging. A happy dog.


3  AUST/NZ CH Goldriver Off The Radar  Lauren Morris and Marilyn Black

             This young man preferred to move rather than to stand. A lovely dog who stood out and moves very well. Tail never stopped wagging. I think he’s happier to be moving rather than standing. A lovely dog. Good length of neck. Good level top line. Nice front angulation. Good length of leg. Good width of thigh. A really nice dog.



Class 11 Open Dog

Very difficult class to judge as most of them flew their tails a bit high


1  CH Triple J Where-Ever-I-May-Roam  Margaret Fortune

              A very short coupled dog. Good head. Nice dark pigment. Good length of leg Well laid-back shoulders into good angulation at the front. Level top line. Good width of thigh. Nice tight feet. Nice short hocks. Moved with drive.


2  AUST/CH Fantango What Happens In Vegas (Imp.Aust)  Jan Bedford and Janelle Salvestrin

             Another lovely dog who adored his handled and when settled was a very well moving dog. Good excellent front angulation again. Good length of neck into level top line. Nice width of thigh.  short hocks. Good tight feet. Another nice dog.


3  CH Goldendream Back N Time  Melanie Snowdon

             I liked this dog too. It was a very difficult class. Short coupled dog. Level top line. Good length of neck. Not as good in front angulation as the first two, Good width of thigh. Nice tight feet. Nice short hocks. Moved well.


4  Chaleur Say It Clear (Imp.Aust)  Marianne Penney

             This dog took a wee while to settle, but, again, a nice dog. Short coupled. Good length of neck into good layback of shoulder. Correct angulation into upper arm. Little bit short in leg, but good width of thigh. Level top line. Moved well.






Class 2A – Minor Puppy Bitch


1  Lorgair New Beginnings  Mrs Krystal Schrama

             Mid-gold. Beautiful puppy shown in excellent condition. Groomed to perfection. Lovely head with very dark eye and dark pigment. Nice tight feet. Good length of leg Very compact dog. Shown excellently. A lovely puppy. I could have taken her home.



Class 5A - Junior Bitch


1  Goldsmith No Prompt Needed  Kirsten Price                                                                                           BEST JUNIOR IN SHOW

             A lovely bitch. short coupled. Very balanced. Well-muscled. Beautiful head. Nice straight legs. Nice tight feet. Good length of neck into good shoulders and correct front angulation. Level top line. Good width of thigh. Well-muscled. Nice tight feet. Good second thigh. Moved well.


2  Speyside Highland Fling  Meredith Pitcher

             Close decisions between 1 and 2. This bitch is very similar. Another short-coupled bitch with good angulation. She has a beautiful head. Takes a wee while to settle, but with careful handling she will settle well. Nice length of leg. Good level top line. Well-muscled. Nice dog.


3  Goldendream Georgie By Night  Melanie Snowdon

             Another lovely short-coupled bitch. Very pale in colour. Good head. Correct front. Good tight feet. Good length of leg. Good level top line. Good width of thigh. Nice short hocks. Well-muscled. Nice dog.


4  Mistymoor To The Moon N Back  Jan Cook

             This is just the baby of the class, but she will come into her own. Very well angulated. Nice dog. At the moment she’s all legs, but then that’s what a junior should be, so she will just take time. She’s going to be a lovely dog when she’s finished.



Class 6A - Intermediate Bitch

Two lovely bitches in this class – one very pale and one dark.


1  CH Kavandale The Story So Far  Kathryn van den Berg                                                                                                                       

                                                                                      BEST BITCH / RESERVE BEST IN SHOW /  INTERMEDIATE IN SHOW

             The first one was a pale bitch, short-coupled bitch with beautiful head going into strong neck. Good length into well laid-back shoulders. Correct front angulation. Good length of leg Nice tight feet. Stood four square. Moved with drive. Well-muscled. Lovely dog.


 2  Dobro Gold Fusion At Aubrook (Imp.Aust)  Sarah Abrey

             Another lovely dog. Really just splitting hairs here. Short-coupled. Well-bodied. Good length of neck into good shoulders and correct angulation. Nice width of thigh. Good tight feet. Well-muscled and moved with drive.



Class 7A - Limit Bitch


1  Mistymoor See You Again  Jan Cook                                                                                                                BEST LIMIT IN SHOW

             This bitch stood alone. Smaller bitch, but very well balanced. Lovely head. Nice dark pigment. Good length of neck into good shoulders. Correct angulation into the upper arm. Nice length of leg and nice tight feet. Level top line. Good width of thigh, well-muscled. Good second thigh. Moved with drive. A nice bitch.

 Class 8A – NZ Bred Bitch         


Glentreve Play-Time at Goldenkiwi  Debbie Edwards                                                                                         RESERVE BITCH

             Pale gold bitch. Short-coupled, well balanced. Lovely head with kind dark eye. Good length of neck into good shoulders into correct upper arm. Good length of leg. Nice tight feet. Straight top line with good rear angulation. Good second thigh. Moved well. Nice bitch.


Speyside French Liaison  Pat Munro

             Another lovely bitch. Short-coupled again. Lovely dark eye with great pigment. Moved well. Good front angulation. Nice tight feet. Good length of leg. Straight top line. Good width of thigh. Well-muscled. Moved with drive.


Mistymoor Symphony of Gold  Jan Cook

             Another lovely bitch. Mid-gold. Lovely head with nice dark eye. Good length of neck into good shoulders. Correct upper arm. Straight top line. A little bit overweight today, but still a lovely bitch.




Class 9A – Brood Bitch

Nice class of brood bitches.


CH Speyside Delta-Tango With Keridale  Pat Munro and Yvonne Malaquin                  BEST BROOD BITCH IN SHOW

             Short-coupled, mid-gold. Good length of neck into good shoulders. Upper arm adequate. Lovely head. Beautiful dark eye. Nice straight legs Good width of thigh and bend of stifle. Good second thigh and well-muscled. Held a level top line on the move. A happy dog.


CH Glentreve on-The-Wings-Of-Dove at Triple J  Margaret Fortune

             Another lovely dog shown in beautiful dark, gleaming coat Beautiful head. Lovely dark eye. Good neck into well laid-back shoulders. Level top line. Good bend of stifle. Short-coupled and moved well. Well-muscled. Lovely dog.


Mistymoor That’s Nice  Melanie Snowdon

             Lovely dog shown in mid-gold coat. Short-coupled. Good length of neck. Laid back shoulder into correct upper arm. Good level top line.  Nice tight feet. Good width of thigh and bend of stifle. Nice dog.


Goldendream Take Your Time  Melanie Snowdon

             This dog gave this young girl a bit of a difficult time, but she coped with it well. She handled it and presented it very well. Beautiful head. Nice Level top line. Good neck and shoulders. Nice tight feet. Good bend of stifle. Shown very well.




Class 10A – Veteran Bitch

Two lovely veterans. A credit to their owners. Both short-coupled bitches. Really splitting hairs with them.


CH J/More Kelima of Mturk  Bruce Austin

             Lovely head on the first one. Short-coupled. Good level top line. Moved well for her age. Lovely dog.


Seacove Purdey  Jan Bedford

             Another lovely dog, shown in good coat and excellent condition. Lovely head. Nice front angulation. Good rear angulation. She moved well and was handled sympathetically by her handler.




Class 11A – Open Bitch


Ch Glentreve A-Moment-In-Time At Goldenkiwi  Debbie Edwards and Glenys Fletcher         BEST OPEN IN SHOW

             Lovely bitch shown in excellent coat. Lovely head with good dark pigment. Good length of neck into level top line. Correct front angulation. Nice tight feet. Good width of stifle and good bend. Nice tight feet. Well-muscled and moved with drive. Very well presented.


CH Triple J Nothing-Else-Matters  Margaret Fortune

             Lovely dark bitch. The youngest in the class. A very nice bitch with good angulation. Beautiful head. Nice dark eye. Good upper arm. Nice tight feet. Good width of thigh showing good bend of stifle. Well-muscled. Nice dog.


CH Arctique Summer Rain  Liz Steed

             Pale dog shown in excellent bloom. Beautiful coat and very well presented. A little bit too short on the leg for me, good length of neck and correct upper arm. Level top line. Good width of thigh. A very eye-catching dog.



Class 8A – NZ Bred Bitch         


1  Glentreve Play-Time at Goldenkiwi  Debbie Edwards                                                                                         RESERVE BITCH

             Pale gold bitch. Short-coupled, well balanced. Lovely head with kind dark eye. Good length of neck into good shoulders into correct upper arm. Good length of leg. Nice tight feet. Straight top line with good rear angulation. Good second thigh. Moved well. Nice bitch.


2  Speyside French Liaison  Pat Munro

             Another lovely bitch. Short-coupled again. Lovely dark eye with great pigment. Moved well. Good front angulation. Nice tight feet. Good length of leg. Straight top line. Good width of thigh. Well-muscled. Moved with drive.


3  Mistymoor Symphony of Gold  Jan Cook

             Another lovely bitch. Mid-gold. Lovely head with nice dark eye. Good length of neck into good shoulders. Correct upper arm. Straight top line. A little bit overweight today, but still a lovely bitch.




Class 9A – Brood Bitch

Nice class of brood bitches.


1  CH Speyside Delta-Tango With Keridale  Pat Munro and Yvonne Malaquin                  BEST BROOD BITCH IN SHOW

             Short-coupled, mid-gold. Good length of neck into good shoulders. Upper arm adequate. Lovely head. Beautiful dark eye. Nice straight legs Good width of thigh and bend of stifle. Good second thigh and well-muscled. Held a level top line on the move. A happy dog.


2  CH Glentreve on-The-Wings-Of-Dove at Triple J  Margaret Fortune

             Another lovely dog shown in beautiful dark, gleaming coat Beautiful head. Lovely dark eye. Good neck into well laid-back shoulders. Level top line. Good bend of stifle. Short-coupled and moved well. Well-muscled. Lovely dog.


3  Mistymoor That’s Nice  Melanie Snowdon

             Lovely dog shown in mid-gold coat. Short-coupled. Good length of neck. Laid back shoulder into correct upper arm. Good level top line.  Nice tight feet. Good width of thigh and bend of stifle. Nice dog.


4  Goldendream Take Your Time  Melanie Snowdon

             This dog gave this young girl a bit of a difficult time, but she coped with it well. She handled it and presented it very well. Beautiful head. Nice Level top line. Good neck and shoulders. Nice tight feet. Good bend of stifle. Shown very well.




Class 10A – Veteran Bitch

Two lovely veterans. A credit to their owners. Both short-coupled bitches. Really splitting hairs with them.


1  CH J/More Kelima of Mturk  Bruce Austin

             Lovely head on the first one. Short-coupled. Good level top line. Moved well for her age. Lovely dog.


2  Seacove Purdey  Jan Bedford

             Another lovely dog, shown in good coat and excellent condition. Lovely head. Nice front angulation. Good rear angulation. She moved well and was handled sympathetically by her handler.




Class 11A – Open Bitch


1  Ch Glentreve A-Moment-In-Time At Goldenkiwi  Debbie Edwards and Glenys Fletcher         BEST OPEN IN SHOW

             Lovely bitch shown in excellent coat. Lovely head with good dark pigment. Good length of neck into level top line. Correct front angulation. Nice tight feet. Good width of stifle and good bend. Nice tight feet. Well-muscled and moved with drive. Very well presented.


2  CH Triple J Nothing-Else-Matters  Margaret Fortune

             Lovely dark bitch. The youngest in the class. A very nice bitch with good angulation. Beautiful head. Nice dark eye. Good upper arm. Nice tight feet. Good width of thigh showing good bend of stifle. Well-muscled. Nice dog.


3  CH Arctique Summer Rain  Liz Steed

             Pale dog shown in excellent bloom. Beautiful coat and very well presented. A little bit too short on the leg for me, good length of neck and correct upper arm. Level top line. Good width of thigh. A very eye-catching dog.




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