Central Golden Retriever Club Inc
 New Zealand

New Zealand



 Code of Ethics

 History of the Club

 History Of The Golden Retriever

 Contact Us

 List of Breeders


 Join the Club

 New Zealand Official Breed Standard

  Champ Show results June 2023

  Champ Show Results 23rd April 2023

  Champ Show results 5th Feb 2022

  Champ Show 25th June 2021

 Critque Show 1 24/8/19 Mrs Doreen McGugan

 In Show Photos Show 1. 24/8/2019

 Results Show 2 24/08/2019

 In Show Photos Show 2 24/8/2019


  Club Contacts

Cat Springett-Rooney 
027 891 7112 

Vice - President

Jan Cook
027 276 8719

Carolyn Stevens
Ph 04 563 5608/027 241 1772


Newsletter Editor:


Pat Munro  
Kelly McCarrison
Ph 027 756 1563

Alison Robinson 022 712 1392

Ph 021 269 2063

Alison Robinson

Kirsten Price

Carl Robinson

Meredith Pitcher

Jane Gilbert

Deborah Tonkin

Liaison Officer - for all puppy/rehome enquiries

Ph 022 712 1392

Ph 0272 941 284

Ph 027 7121 392

Ph 021 057 5723

Ph 0274 776 401

Ph 022 354 5598

Jan Cook
027 276 8719

Liaison Assistants -
Pat Munro 
Ph 021 269 2063

Deborah Tonkin
022 354 5598

Trophy Steward

Yvonne Malaquin (Wanganui)
Ph 021 483 778

Vicki Graham (Taupo Area)
Ph 07 378 5208

Cat Springett-Rooney
          Ph 0278917112



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